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Skeleton Crew

by Dominique Morisseau

Directed by Patricia cGregor for Studio Theatre's 2017/2018 Season with Assistant Director Manna-Symone Middlerooks


Stage managed by John Keith Hall (AEA),  Assistant Stage Manager Victoria J. Morales


Crew:                                                                                 Cast:

Scenic Designer - Tim Brown                                  Caroline Clay (AEA)                           

Lighting Designer - Nancy Schertler                    Shannon Dorsey (AEA)                                

Costume Designer - Marci Rodgers                      Tyee Tilghman (AEA)                                 

Sound Designer - Everett Elton Bradman           Jason Bowen (AEA)                                     

Dramaturg - Lauren Halvorsen                    

Photos courtesy of Teresa Wood                                                 



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